Crucible is a code review tool that allows teams to review, edit, comment and record
- Create
Create a review from anywhere — all you need is a browser.
- Comment
Critique and collaborate.
- Workflow
Manage the review process.
- Metrics
Label, tag, classify.
- IDE Connector
Perform and manage reviews without even leaving your IDE.
- Integrate
Crucible integrates smoothly with your dev tools.
- Inspect
Know your code. Catch those bugs.
- Search
Search your reviews, search your code.
- Notifications
Choose how and when you want to be notified about reviews.
- Audit trail
No worries: your reviews are on permanent record.
- Pluggable repositories
Connect directly to your external repositories.
- Closer teams build better software
Crucible is a lightweight collaboration tool for conducting effective peer code review.
Effective code review improves code quality by identifying bugs earlier in the
development cycle when they are less costly to fix.
- Keep source review simple
Making it easy for every developer to engage with the code review process is key to
implementing the practice.
With one-click creation of reviews, teams quickly realise the value of the practice
without worrying about the process.
- Crucible works with your existing tools
Crucible allows developers to start a review directly from their IDE, any commit in
FishEye, or any issue in JIRA, as well as the simple web UI.
System Requirements
Crucible requires version 2.1 of a component called JAXB.
Crucible stand-alone supports use of Subversion, Confluence and the server file
system as a repository. It can also store files in its own database, removing the need
for any kind of repository. When Crucible is used with FishEye, Subversion, CVS and
Perforce are supported.
Crucible is known to work with Internet Explorer 6, FireFox 3 and Safari 2. It should
work on any modern browser.