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Powerful geospatial data conversion and translation made easy! Believe it or not, its true.
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PublisherPartNo Description Rate Download Size
Geographic Calculator One Year Subscription   1098.90 AddtoCart
Geographic Calculator Perpetual   1648.90 AddtoCart

 Interactive Conversion

Select your source and destination coordinate systems, enter your coordinates, choose the datum transformation you would like to use, and then press the "Calculate" button. Yes, it's that easy! The Interactive conversion tab allows you to convert, forward a position, and calculate the distance and azimuth between two points.

Forward & Inverse
The Point Database Forward or Inverse job calculates paths between positions in tabular numeric coordinates. Coordinate data must be uniformly organized into columns with all coordinates in a given column being relative to the same coordinate reference system and both the left and right coordinate systems must share a common geodetic base. There is no limit to the length of database that can be run via the Point Database Conversion job. This job can be used as a template for a batch process.
  • Forward: Calculates the endpoint of a traverse from an input coordinate and distance/azimuth away along the path of a geodesic, rhumb line, or grid line
  • Inverse: Calculates geodesic, rhumb line, or grid Distance and Azimuth between two input coordinates

Supported Input Types:

  • Manually entered numeric coordinates
  • Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx)
  • dBase (.dbf)
  • Microsoft Access (.mdb)
  • ASCII Text files (.csv, .tsv, ...)
  • ODBC databases

Scale & Translate

The Point Database Scale and Translate job allows for conversion and transformation of tabular numeric coordinates. Coordinates can be shifted, rotated, and stretched, by manually entering in the parameters of the desired transformation. These are commonly used for old survey data where control data may not be available for a higher accuracy transformation. Coordinate data must be uniformly organized into columns with all coordinates in a given column being relative to the same coordinate reference system. There is no limit to the length of database that can be run via the Point Database Conversion job.

Supported Input Types:

  • Manually entered numeric coordinates
  • Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx)
  • dBase (.dbf)
  • Microsoft Access (.mdb)
  • ASCII Text files (.csv, .tsv, ...)
  • ODBC databases
Best Fit

The Point Database - Best Fit job derives a polynomial transformation relating two coordinate systems together, based on geodetically-based control points. One coordinate system will be an arbitrarily defined local ground coordinate system, the second will be a geodetic control. Two sets of coordinates are required, one for each system. This is commonly used to transform mine grids, airport ground grids, or any other local survey or engineering plan coordinate system to a geodetic or projected system.

Supported Input Types:

  • Manually entered numeric coordinates
  • Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx)
  • dBase (.dbf)
  • Microsoft Access (.mdb)
  • ASCII Text files (.csv, .tsv, ...)
  • ODBC databases