The plug-in provides the ability to convert the content of one or more PDF Portfolios into a single "flat" PDF document. All embedded files and corresponding file attachments are merged together to create a regular PDF file. The beginning of each file is bookmarked (with additional child bookmarks pointing to file attachments). Non-PDF file attachments are optionally converted into PDF format. Attachments are merged at the end of the parent document.
The plug-in allows the merging of regular PDF documents with page-level file attachments. File attachments are optionally converted into PDF format and appended to the end of their parent document.
This operation is useful when it's necessary to apply Bates stamping to emails with non-PDF attachments. First, a portfolio with emails is converted into a single PDF document with attachments converted to PDF and appended to the end of the parent email. It is straight forward to stamp a single PDF document in Adobe Acrobat.