MainType makes it simple to find, preview, organize, install, and print your fonts. MainType supports all common font formats: TrueType, OpenType, TrueType Collections, and Postscript Type 1 fonts. Unlike simple font preview applications, MainType is designed for graphic artists, typographers, and other power users who demand high-end functionality such as network support, plug-ins, advanced categorizing, searching capabilities, and fast searches for the fonts that you need.
Customizable layout
MainType uses an advanced docking system that allows you to configure the layout the way you want! Whether you want your panels hidden, docked, floating or in tabs it's all possible.
Character grid with Unicode block navigation Easily navigate through Unicode blocks, copy characters to the clipboard, sample panel or directly insert them into background applications.
Compare fonts the easy way Simply drag and drop up-to 5 fonts onto the font information panel to compare font properties. This helps you identify which font version you want to use, uninstall, categorize, or print.
Print preview Print samples of your fonts, and choose between four predefined reports. Optionally preview before printing, so you can be sure you print the font listings, character sets, or font information pages you want.