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IronXL for .NET allows developers to read, generate and edit Excel (and other Spreadsheet files) in .NET applications and websites. You can read and edit XLS/XLSX/CSV/TSV and save an export to XLS/XLSX/CSV/TSV/JSON. It works well with .NET Framework, .NET Core and Azure. All without extra dependencies or the need to install MS Office.
Price per unit is shown below.Price in:
PublisherPartNo Description Rate Download Size
IronXL - Lite - Perpetual + 1 Year Support   273.90 AddtoCart
IronXL - Lite - Perpetual + 5 Year Support   548.90 AddtoCart
IronXL - Professional - Perpetual + 1 Year Support   548.90 AddtoCart
IronXL - Professional - Perpetual + 5 Year Support   1098.90 AddtoCart
IronXL - Professional - SaaS/OEM - Perpetual + 1 Year Support   1648.90 AddtoCart
IronXL - Professional - SaaS/OEM - Perpetual + 5 Year Support   2198.90 AddtoCart
IronXL - Unlimited - Perpetual + 1 Year Support   1098.90 AddtoCart
IronXL - Unlimited - Perpetual + 5 Year Support   2198.90 AddtoCart
IronXL - Unlimited - SaaS/OEM - Perpetual + 1 Year Support   1648.90 AddtoCart
IronXL - Unlimited - SaaS/OEM - Perpetual + 5 Year Support   2198.90 AddtoCart
  • Load, Read and Edit Data - from XLS/XLSX/CSV/TSV
  • Saving and Exporting - to XLS/XLSX/CSV/TSV/JSON
  • System.Data Objects - Work with Excel Spreadsheets as System.Data.DataSet and System.Data.DataTable objects.
  • Formulas - Works with Excel formulas. Formulas are recalculated every time a sheet it edited.
  • Ranges - Easy to use WorkSheet["A1:B10"] syntax. Combine and create ranges intuitively.
  • Sorting - Sort Ranges, Columns and Rows.
  • Styling - Cell visual styles Font, Size, Background pattern, Border, Alignment and Number formats.