Database Designer for PostgresSql
Database Designer for PostgreSQL is an easy CASE tool with intuitive graphical interface allowing you to build a clear and effective database structure visually, see the complete picture (diagram) representing all the tables, references between them, views, stored procedures and other objects. Then you can easily generate a physical database on a server, modify it according to any changes you made to the diagram using fast ALTER statements.
Database Designer for PostgreSQL makes the process of database creation clear and simplifies maintenance of the databases. All the operations performed in a fast, handy and intuitive interface.
The product designed for popular PostgreSQL database server and takes into account all its features including:
PostgreSQL's extensions to SQL syntax;
stored procedures and functions, triggers and views;
constraints and foreign key references;
Key Features:
Simple physical database creation by using a wizard;
Database structure generation;
Database modification: generation of ALTER statements to bring a database to the state of the diagram;
Reverse engineering (import) of existing databases from multiple sources;
Export of a diagram to popular graphics formats;
Database structure reports generation;
Cheking a diagram for errors;
Merging of diagrams;
Ability to print diagram out on multiple pages;
Support of PostgreSQL server starting from 7.4 and a partial support of PostgreSQL 7.3;
Works natively under Windows OS family and Linux under Wine/WineHQ