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ASN2TXT (ASN.1 to text translator) is a command-line tool for translating data encoded using BER, CER, DER, or PER ASN.1 encoding rules to various text formats. Currently it supports writing CSV data (for BER/CER/DER only) and XML (all encoding rules).
Price per unit is shown below.Price in:
PublisherPartNo Description Rate Download Size
ASN2TXT ASN.1 To Text Translator ifloat perpetual license for 3 concurrent sessions (includes 1 year of support)   1950.00 AddtoCart
ASN2TXT ASN.1 To Text Translator node-locked time-limited license for 3 months   175.00 AddtoCart
ASN2TXT ASN.1 To Text Translator node-locked time-limited license for 6 months   300.00 AddtoCart
ASN2TXT ASN.1 To Text Translator node-locked time-limited license for 1 year   550.00 AddtoCart
ASN2TXT ASN.1 To Text Translator time-limited license without host restrictions for 3 months.   1500.00 AddtoCart
ASN2TXT ASN.1 To Text Translator time-limited license without host restrictions for 6 months.   2500.00 AddtoCart
ASN2TXT ASN.1 To Text Translator time-limited license without host restrictions for 1 year.   4500.00 AddtoCart
It provides the capability to transform ASN.1-encoded data to a delimited format by assigning an ASN.1 schema to binary data. No programming is required to produce the output, and the conversions may be done in a batch process.

ASN2TXT attempts to address a common need in data mediation: the conversion of binary-encoded ASN.1 other formats suitable for user editing or database population. Common applications include CDR formats like TAP3, R12, CCN, and newer 3G CDR formats.

As an example, the following command-line can be used to translate a Transferred Account Procedure (TAP3) batch file to CSV format:

asn2txt message.dat -csv -schema TAP-0311.asn