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Removable digital storage devices (such as USB flash drives and CD/DVD drives) and mobile connection technologies (such as WiFi, FireWire, and Bluetooth) are increasingly popular in the enterprise environment. They are convenient and enhance productivity, but present new security risks to the enterprise. The data on these removable endpoint devices and media may contain intellectual property or sensitive customer information.
Company policy and employee education can be insufficient to safeguard the data from insider threats and accidental data leakage. The exposure of sensitive data that results from the loss or theft of a removable storage device or medium can result in financial loss, legal ramifications, and brand damage.
PGP® Endpoint provides built-in security that detects, authorizes, and secures removable storage devices and media (such as USB drives, CDs, and DVDs). It enforces centrally defined device usage policy and stops data losses from network and peripheral connections (such as Bluetooth, WiFi, and FireWire). PGP Endpoint helps enterprises with their compliance and to monitor data exchanged between the endpoint, devices, and the network.
PGP Endpoint is a part of the PGP Encryption Platform, which provides an enterprise encryption framework for shared user management, policy, and provisioning that is automated across multiple, integrated encryption applications. Together with PGP® Whole Disk Encryption, PGP Endpoint provides the enterprise with an integrated endpoint data loss prevention solution.
With PGP Endpoint, data on removable devices is automatically protected without altering the user experience.
Automatically detects devices without disrupting the user.
Allows data to be shared across the enterprise, including by users without PGP software; access to data is enforced by policy.
Reduces risk of unauthorized devices, without altering user flexibility. Provides multiple user permission settings, including type of access and specific device use.
PGP Endpoint transparently protects and secures data at rest or in motion. Advantages of enforcing enterprise security policies with PGP Endpoint include:
Blocks non-permitted devices. Authorizes company-standard media such as CDs and DVDs and specifies use with types of access, encryption, and more; access lists also specify user permissions.
Supports compliance by logging all device usage; can optionally record all information exchanged between devices and the network.
Blocks PS/2 and USB keyloggers; specifies permitted file types; restricts size of data transfers.
Enforces policy regardless of availability of network connection.
Manages data encryption on removable media with flexible centralized or time-of-use options. Integrated with PGP Whole Disk Encryption.
Available as an additional licensed option, Application Control provides policy-based enforcement of application use. It protects endpoints from malware, spyware, zero-day threats, and unwanted or unlicensed software.
Enterprises can quickly and easily deploy PGP Endpoint by:
Does not require administrator intervention to deploy; can use Microsoft® MSI.
Transparently set user and device policy using the existing Microsoft Windows® Active Directory or Novell® eDirectory™ infrastructure.
PGP Endpoint reduces deployment tasks and time, eliminates end-user training costs, and avoids any increase in help desk calls. With PGP Endpoint, organizations can centrally manage their security policies for users and encryption, reducing the operational costs of using disparate encryption applications.
PGP Endpoint supports Windows 2000 Professional (SP4 or later), Windows XP (32- and 64-bit editions), and Windows Vista® (32- and 64-bit editions).