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Your One Stop Software Shop for IT Requirement!!
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Software quality is a big deal — especially for professional developers and testers So we're offering the full .NET Developer Bundle for a fraction of the price of the individual tools.
Price per unit is shown below.Price in:
PublisherPartNo Description Rate Download Size
.NET Developer Bundle 1-4 user 1 year subscription   747.00 AddtoCart
.NET Developer Bundle 1-4 user 2 year subscription   1494.00 AddtoCart
.NET Developer Bundle 1-4 user 3 year subscription   2241.00 AddtoCart
.NET Developer Bundle 5-9 user 1 year subscription   3180.00 AddtoCart
.NET Developer Bundle 5-9 user 2 year subscription   6360.00 AddtoCart
.NET Developer Bundle 5-9 user 3 year subscription   9540.00 AddtoCart
.NET Developer Bundle 10+ user 1 year subscription   5970.00 AddtoCart
.NET Developer Bundle 10+ user 2 year subscription   11940.00 AddtoCart
.NET Developer Bundle 10+ user 3 year subscription   17910.00 AddtoCart

Shipping quality software just got easier

Software quality is a big deal — especially for professional developers and testers

So we're offering the full .NET Developer Bundle for a fraction of the price of the individual tools.

With this bundle of tools you can:

  • Release quality software you can be proud of
  • Ship your application on time
  • Understand the code you're working with (yours or third-party assemblies)
  • Standardize performance management across your development team