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Spytech SpyAgent is a powerful computer spy software that allows you to monitor EVERYTHING users do on your computer - in total stealth. SpyAgent provides a large array of essential computer monitoring features, as well as website and application content filtering, chat client blocking, lockdown scheduling, and remote delivery of logs via email or FTP.
Price per unit is shown below.Price in:
PublisherPartNo Description Rate Download Size
Spytech SpyAgent Single Computer License   79.95 AddtoCart
Spytech SpyAgent 3 Computer License   89.95 AddtoCart
Spytech SpyAgent STEALTH Edition Single Computer License   89.95 AddtoCart
Spytech SpyAgent STEALTH Edition 3 Computer License   99.95 AddtoCart
SpyAnywhere/SpyAgent Suite Single Computer License   99.95 AddtoCart
SpyAnywhere/SpyAgent Suite 3 Computer License   149.95 AddtoCart

Spytech SpyAgent is a powerful computer spy software that allows you to monitor EVERYTHING users do on your computer - in total stealth. SpyAgent provides a large array of essential computer monitoring features, as well as website and application content filtering, chat client blocking, lockdown scheduling, and remote delivery of logs via email or FTP.


Surveillance and Monitoring Features

SpyAgent's logging capabilities are unmatched. SpyAgent can log anything ranging from what the user typed and the files they downloaded, to who they talked to and emailed, website searches they performed, programs they ran, and much more - all time stamped by date for easy viewing. All logs can be easily saved, archived, and exported into reports for later use. SpyAgent can be configured to log all users on your computer with ease.
Keystroke Logging
Monitor and log all keystrokes along with the window they are typed in and timestamp. Click the "Format" button to remove and apply text formatting to make the log more readable. Passwords captured are flagged for easy viewing. If screenshot capturing is enabled, SpyAgent will display related screenshots alongside the keystroke log entries.
Emails Sent and Received
Monitor and log all emails sent and received by users of your computer. All SMTP and POP3 messages are recorded for later viewing. Attachments are logged as well.
Events Timeline Logging
Log all events users performed and view them in an organized chronically ordered listing. The Events Timeline lets you view what the events the user performed, in the order they did them. Events logged include Program Starts/Stops, Website Visits, Document Viewings and Printings, how long users were active and idle each session, and more.
Internet Chat Conversations
Monitor and log both sides of all chat conversations made on chat clients. Supported clients include the latest versions of: AOL (including 9.0 and Optimized), AOL Instant Messenger, AIM Triton, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger (including 6.x and 7.x), Excite Messenger, GoogleTalk, Skype, XFire, and ICQ.
Website Activity
Log all website visits and online searches performed by the popular browsers used today. All website visits are logged by website address, username, and time of the site visit. SpyAgent also logs how long users visit each website so you can easily see what websites are visited the longest. SpyAgent supports the latest versions of the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Mozilla, Firefox, Flock, Google Chrome, and America Online.
Application Usage
Monitor and log all applications ran by users - SpyAgent logs when the application was started, stopped, and how long it was actually used. Users cannot fool SpyAgent by simply opening a program and leaving it running in the background - SpyAgent will know how long the program was actually used.
Webmail and Website Content
Log webmail messages from most major webmail providers - such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and MySpace webmail. SpyAgent logs incoming messages read by the user, as well as messages they send out through webmail. All website content visited can be logged as well.
Computer Usage Logging
Log how long users are active, and inactive during each computer session. Logs show when each session started, and when it ended.
Intelligent Screenshot Capturing
SpyAgent can take snapshots of your desktop at set intervals of time, whenever the mouse is clicked, or whenever websites are visited, allowing you to visually see what is happening at all times. The screenshot capture manager has a built-in VCR-like slideshow playback for easy viewing. The screenshot capturing can be configured to increase its capture frequency when window captions containing specific keywords are interacted with so vital information is not missed.
Internet Traffic Data
Monitor and log all internet traffic data that is sent and received by your computer. This data includes emails, website requests and contents, FTP sessions, passwords, chat conversations, and more.
Internet Connections
Monitor and log all internet sessions made on the PC. This includes all FTP,HTTP, POP3, Chat Messenger, and any other TCP connections.
Files Uploaded and Downloaded
Log files users upload and download via the web, email, and FTP. All file transfers include the user that performed the transfer, where they downloaded from/uploaded to, and when. File transfer logs can be sorted by content-type for convenient log viewing.
Files/Documents Accessed
Log all files and documents opened from within Windows Explorer. The log viewer provides links to the documents viewed.
Files System Usage
Log all file system activity. All file modifications, creations, and deletions are logged by the time of the event, and the user who executed them. File events that take place on portable/removable drives are also recorded.
Files/Documents Printed
Log all files and documents printed by users of your PC. Logs include the document printed, who printed it, what printer was used, and when.
Window Activity
Log all windows in which the user directly interacts on the desktop.
Clipboard Logging
Log all text copied to the Windows clipboard by users.
Activity Logging
Log all all system shutdowns and user log-ons, as well as SpyAgent actions: starting/stopping of monitoring processes, option changes, log accesses, and failed access attempts to start/stop monitoring. This also shows how long a user was active during a monitoring session.
E-Mail Log Delivery
Have all recorded activity logs emailed to your email address.
FTP Log Delivery
Have all recorded activity logs uploaded to your FTP account.

Content Filtering Features

SpyAgent not only acts as a powerful spy software solution, but also as a content filtering tool. SpyAgent can filter websites from being visited, applications from being ran by the user, and even chat messengers from being used while SpyAgent is active.
Application Filtering
SpyAgent allows you to control what programs users cannot run.
Website Filtering
SpyAgent allows you to control what websites users can and cannot visit.
Chat Filtering
SpyAgent allows you to control what chat messengers users can and cannot use while SpyAgent is running.
SmartLogging - Activity Triggered Logging
SpyAgent can be configured to start monitoring only when certain events occur. Such events can include specific keywords being typed, programs being ran, websites being visited, certain windows being viewed, and more.
Instant Email Notification Alerts
SpyAgent can be configured to send you instant email notifications when a user runs an unwanted website, chat client, or application. Alerts can also be sent when the computer is started/shutdown, when spyware detectors are installed, and even when a user types a trigger keyword.

Security and Stealth Features

SpyAgent has a large array of security and stealth features. SpyAgent is undetectable under all Windows versions (it does not even show up in the task manager on any Windows platform) and can circumvent popular third-party "spyware" detectors. SpyAgent has powerful lockdown and logging scheduling features, log file encryption, optional startup warnings, and much more.
SpyAgent can run totally in stealth; that is, it is virtually undetectable to the user. SpyAgent will NOT show up in the task manager under Windows - at all. SpyAgent does not appear in registry and Windows startup utilities while it is running, either.
Log File Encryption
SpyAgent has a built in encryption option that allows you to have all your SpyAgent activity logs encrypted so others cannot stumble across SpyAgent's logs or read them without using SpyAgent's protected log viewers.
Security Settings
Toggle various Windows security settings to make it harder for users to trace and bypass SpyAgent - such as the ability to disable the system clock's time/date settings, or to access the Windows task manager.
Spyware Detector Disabling
Configure SpyAgent to disable popular spyware detectors that may interfere or detect SpyAgent running! Download the latest Spyware Detectors Database Update for use with SpyAgent here.
Log File Backdating
SpyAgent can be configured to backdate all log files it creates so that they appear older than they really are. This will make it impossible for users to find log files by performing system searches for most recently modified files.
Forced Hidden Files
Configure SpyAgent to force hidden files - if a user tries to enable hidden file viewing within Windows SpyAgent will instantly disable hidden file viewing again.
Logging Time Scheduling
Configure SpyAgent to monitor and record only when you want it to.
PC Lockdown Scheduling
Schedule SpyAgent to lock your PC down when you are not around.
Warning Screen
Display a splash screen which alerts users they are being monitored by the SpyAgent software (totally optional).
Password Protection
SpyAgent is password protected to prevent easy monitoring termination and option changes.
Active Startup
Run SpyAgent already in active monitoring mode.
Windows Startup
Run SpyAgent when Windows boots up.
Idle Timeout
SpyAgent will stop logging when the user is inactive for a specified amount of time, when they are active again SpyAgent resumes logging.
Instant Log Retrieval with a Portable or USB Drive
SpyAgent allows you to quickly retrieve activity logs when time is an issue. If you only have a few moments to retrieve logs you can insert an authorized USB or portable drive into your computer which SpyAgent will then copy activity reports to - all without having to stop SpyAgent and access it. An optional notification sound plays when the copy completes.
You can set SpyAgent to clear your monitoring logs every xxx number of actions logged, or every xxx number of keystrokes entered. This provides for minimal usage of processor speed and disk space.
AutoRemove Self-Uninstall
SpyAgent can be set to automatically uninstall itself from your computer on a set date. When SpyAgent uninstalls itself it can be configured to remove all settings and log files.
SpyAgent can be set to automatically archive(backup) your activity logs to a specified location at desired time intervals. Logs can be cleared after the archive process is performed, if needed.
Configurable Stealth Mode Hotkey and/or Key Phrase Access
SpyAgent allows you to configure its hotkey pattern to whatever key combination you want - making it harder for others to stumble across SpyAgent! In addition, the hotkey can be disabled and a random key phrase you choose can be used to access SpyAgent. Simply type the key phrase in any window to access SpyAgent's password prompt.
Deploy Utility
SpyAgent has a built in deploy utility that prevents it from being task ended from the task list, or any other process manager.

Reporting and Log Management Features

SpyAgent can log just about every move a user makes - generating massive amounts of user activity information - so essential log management and reporting features are a must. To make log viewing and management a simple task, SpyAgent has built-in Top 10 report generators, summary reports, log cross-referencing, filtering, and search features.
Log Reports
SpyAgent has a large set of log reports at your disposal. SpyAgent's report generator can create a Most Popular Activities Summary, graphical Top 10 reports, and specific log reports for viewing and printing. A log summary report can be displayed whenever monitoring is stopped, detailing the last session's total user activity time, total inactivity/idle time, how many events were captured, and more.
SpyAgent can create the following reports:
  • Most Popular Activities Summary
  • Individual Log Summaries
  • Top 10 Email Senders
  • Top 10 Email Recipients
  • Top 10 Applications Used
  • Top 10 Active/Idle Users
  • Top 10 Websites Visited
  • Top 10 Online Searches
  • Top 10 Files Used
  • Top 10 File Transfers

    System Requirements

  • Windows NT4, 200x, XP, or Vista
  • Pentium Class PC (133mhz or higher)
  • 3MB Hard disk space
  • Email and Traffic Data Logging not supported for Dialup users