Mindjet MindManager Enterprise
Category: Mind Mangement
MindManager Enterprise expands the power of visual business mapping to the entire organization, enabling effective collaboration on key business initiatives, including project management, business and strategic planning, and information management.
Mindjet MindManager for Mac
Category: Mind Mangement
MindManager simplifies complexity by helping you to easily capture relevant details and see them as they relate to each other.
Mindjet MindManager for Windows
Category: Mind Mangement
MindManager for Windows has long been your go-to solution for brainstorming, organizing information, and planning projects. Now it’s even easier to add content, work with large maps, give presentations, and create detailed strategic plans with MindManager 14 for Windows. We’ve also dramatically expanded our capabilities for analyzing quantitative information, so you can plan and calculate detailed budgets, make forecasts, analyze portfolios, and more.
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