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WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a data encryption technique supported as an option in the 802.11 WLAN protocols. The technique uses shared keys and a pseudo random number (PRN) as an initial vector (IV) to encrypt the data portion of network packets. The 802.11 WLAN network headers themselves are not encrypted.
OmniPeek supports the decryption of WEP traffic at various key lengths. Additionally, by allowing the user to input a network’s WEP key, OmniPeek can decrypt “on-the-fly” using multiple named key sets. Using a convenient command line utility, OmniPeek can also decode whole packet files that were captured in an encrypted state.
WLAN cards based on the Atheros chipset measure the noise to know how to distinguish between the noise and the actual signal. Using the Atheros driver, OmniPeek measures that noise every time it receives a packet and displays it in the Signal Tab as Noise (%)/Noise (dBm).
Using the Atheros Driver, OmniPeek can provide a hardware based timestamp with microsecond accuracy. OmniPeek adds the computer time at the start of the capture and obtains a microsecond hardware timer.
OmniPeek can communicate with a GPS receiver using a separate utility, the WildPackets GPS Daemon, as the interface between itself and the GPS receiver. OmniPeek can include the data provided by a GPS receiver in Capture windows.
OmniPeek Professional can analyze traffic on Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, or Wireless networks.
OmniPeek will run with any NDIS 3 or higher compatible Ethernet promiscuous mode network adapter. Almost all Ethernet adapters on the market today meet this requirement. For example, we are compatible with adapters from 3Com, Intel, Xircom, SMC, and many others.
For wireless packet capture, OmniPeek requires the installation of a special NDIS driver for a supported network adapter.
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) is an encryption and authentication technique that improves the security protection available to wireless networks as compared to the more vulnerable WEP.
OmniPeek has the ability to capture error packets on the network. These errors include: Runt, Oversize, Frame Alignment, and CRC Errors. To capture errors on Wireless, supported wireless cards with a special WildPackets driver must be installed. To capture errors on Ethernet or Fast Ethernet, you must use one of the supported cards and a special WildPackets driver.
Xircom CreditCard CardBus (CBE2-100)
Xircom RealPort CardBus (RBE-100)
RealPort2 CardBus (R2BE-100)
Supported Operating Systems and Browser
Windows Vista (SP1), Windows XP Professional (SP3), or Windows Server 2003 (SP2)
All operating systems require Internet Explorer 7 and Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
OmniPeek supports most rack mount, desktop and portable computers as long as the basic system requirements needed to run the operating systems are met. Depending on traffic and the particular usage of OmniPeek, the requirements may be substantially higher.
P4 2 GHz; 512 MB RAM; 10 GB Available Hard Disk Space
Factors that contribute towards superior performance include, high speed CPU, dual CPUs, two or more GB of RAM, high performance disk storage subsystem (RAID 0), and as much additional hard disk space as is required to save the trace files that you plan to manage.